Thursday, 14 November 2013

Mission Statement and Target Audience



Kerrang! will ensure that we are constantly appealing to our spectrum of readers. From the younger teenage readers who are more open to different genres of rock music – from EMO to Thrash etc, to the readers who respect Kerrang! as an authority when it comes to our scene’s heritage bands.

Each issue will include a balance of bands and scenes to guarantee that we’re providing for our readers’ need for variety and their passionate appetite for their favourite bands as well as their desire to be introduced to new music within our world.
We will focus on the biggest things that are going on in our world each week, as well as guaranteeing that we are giving our main base of younger readers everything they need to get into and on top of this the interest in older, harder bands, cementing our role as an educator.


Kerrang! Targets 15-34s

Rock Sound

Rock Sound does not a mission statement and they do not state a target audience for their magazine. Rock Sound is only published by one man which therefor makes it harder to detect these facts. Rock sound is very similar to Kerrang! in appearance and with the content so the target audience should be around the same age.

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